Kitchen final push... for now

More on me and my life.... because in my imaginary world, this is a platform and I have an audience that is interested.... My life is busy because I am trying to fit 2.5 careers and 3 lifestyles into one. I am a librarian/professor primarily, and an actor and a merman (it's a thing) on the side... and I drive for uber to make up for bills. If i'm honest, i have a little bit of a debt issue I'm catching up on.... it's a slog. I'm also a crossfitter and a I-refuse-to-be-40-the-way-every-one-else-is-er. I exhaust me. So that's my multilayered excuse for not updating this blog, which isn't really a blog because I'm still catching you up on stuff I did months or YEARS ago. So next layer on the kitchen! Fast forward (backward) to August of 2019. The intended date of this project came right after the ancient AC died and I had to have a complete HVAC replacement. (more on that later, if i have the strength)... so I was tired and really short on funds, b...