
Showing posts from October, 2019

More kitchen!

Next kitchen project. This was in March of 2018. One of my favorite and most impactful projects. Let me start by explaining my family. We get together to work. My dad came to visit for 3 days... so we could work on my ceiling. (To be fair, we spent the following Christmas doing their kitchen ceiling the same way.) So let's begin in proper blogger style, with a before. Come on a journey with me, if you will. The ceiling is popcorn, there's a hole where the weird ceiling fan used to be in front of the sink...the only light is a 3 armed halogen fixture in the center of the room. (fan was removed prior to this project.) As a plus, you could point each light where you need it to be.... as a negative, it created a huge amount of heat. The new ceiling is laminate flooring, because it's cheaper than real wood. I don't like the feeling of laminate underfoot (too smooth), but it's on the ceiling. A lot of my friends have asked me about this project... so I int...
Hello again gentle readers... or crickets. Ok, honestly, I'm writing this for myself. So let's try that again. Dear Diary, I promised I would create some posts that tell of the work I have done at Tanglewood in the first 3 years of my ownership. There have been many little changes, but the most dramatic changes have been in the Kitchen, which is the most almost done room in the house now. (It's not quite done, but what space really is?) so let's start with a before! It's not a terrible kitchen, the layout is good. The island (which is actually a floating piece of furniture) is super functional. The cabinets have been boldly painted a dark navy blue. I have to give the previous owner (let's call her SD, since those are her initials) credit in at least it isn't a predictable color like white or brown? the counters and back splash were a printed laminate that was supposed to look like butcher block... but didn't. The ceiling is popcorn and is ador...
All about Eve: (errr... Tanglewood. yes, that's what I meant). I'm going to do a photo dump, because I'm indecisive about photo layouts and such. Here are a bunch of photos from the real estate listing when I bought Tanglewood. The big tree in front is a crepe myrtle. (White, if you're wondering. It was the first thing my friends asked me, if I knew what color it would bloom in season). That tree is much bigger and fuller now. (Or it was, until this past weekend when a tornado took out about a third of it... later share, promise). Now, if I were smart, I would have started this blog when I bought my house in 2016. But it’s 2019 and I didn’t do that. Also, the nature of my time and budget is usually such that I can’t do a whole room top to bottom the way I’d like to or the way that they do on tv shows. Who can do that, as a single person living paycheck to paycheck? My plan is to give you an overview of the house, how it was when I bought it, how it is no...
Welcome to Tanglewood.  Let's start with the basics: Who am I? Why Tanglewood we Weave? What's this blog about? Do I really think people will be read it? What's the plan?  1. I am a librarian/actor/uber driver/merman/? in Texas, I have a lot of hobbies and a set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. ... sorry, wrong monologue. I like to DIY and I have very very very little budget. I fix things myself because I enjoy it and because I absolutely cannot afford to pay anyone to fix something I can learn to do myself. My solutions will not be the height of fashion, but they usually end up functional. The more things I fix, the more i am prepared for the next job.  2. Tanglewood is the street I live on. I thought the name was cute. Next question.  3. I have been boring my facebook fam with posts of my house fixing for a while now, I thought I would share that with the world! I real...